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Übersetzungen für slobbery im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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slobbery [ˈslɒbərɪ, Am ˈslɑ:bɚɪ] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although such slobbery is sometimes unavoidable, there are a few things you can do.
But at the last moment he penetrated my tightly pursed lips with this big, wet, slobbery tongue.
Daffy's slobbery, exaggerated lisp was developed over time, being barely noticeable in the early cartoons.
Daffy's slobbery, exaggerated lisp was developed over time, and it is barely noticeable in the early cartoons.
They simply can't be compared to the germs found on a high-traffic bathroom doorknob, a slobbery pet toy, or a toilet seat.
Oh, and get a dog -- a friendly, slobbery one is ideal.
On set, it took a whole team to bring the slobbery goon to life.
What could be a more perfect example of bourgeois folly, the unspoken assumption goes, than substituting a slobbery, stinky dog for a human infant?
Nowadays, we have anything from gooey, slobbery, sweet, viscous liquid or gummy bears with a touch of salt.
Tomorrow morning when you wake, think of all the mornings they faithfully broke you from your slobbery lullabys and helped you start your day, your life.

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