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Übersetzungen für socialite im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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socialite [ˈsəʊʃəlaɪt, Am ˈsoʊ-] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Later she discovers that he is the wealthy socialite boyfriend of her callous and dominating employer.
She is a clotheshorse and a socialite.
In spite of its efforts to identify its core ideology as progressive, its campaign videos feature notorious right-leaning socialites, journalists and television personalities.
She was soon the most fashionable portrait painter of her generation among the "haute bourgeoisie" and aristocracy, painting duchesses and grand dukes and socialites.
With her golden hair perfectly blow-dried, the socialite showed off a golden tan, adding lashings of mascara and a dab of lipgloss.
She grew up in a family of wealthy socialites, but quickly shed this identity upon leaving home.
He is also a designer, socialite, author, recording artist, actor, venture capitalist and philanthropist.
Four years his senior, a famous socialite and one of the most beautiful women of the time, he was completely infatuated by her.
Nephrite's only disguise is, a wealthy businessman and socialite.
The title alludes to the frivolity of the lives of socialites.

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