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Übersetzungen für software piracy im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, its mix of technology savvy and poverty means that software piracy is rife in the country.
Thanks to this helpful rap, the kid in this video won't be guilty of software piracy.
It is clear that the fight against software piracy is far from over.
However, until the early 1990s, software piracy was not yet considered a serious problem by most people.
License managers protect software vendors from losses due to software piracy and enable end-user organizations to comply with software license agreements.
The funds were lost through intellectual property theft, malware attacks, electronic payment funds and software piracy.
The high software piracy rate is largely due to the fact that most people don't realize that downloading and using unlicensed software is a crime.
Counterfeiters have pitched this story to consumers that software piracy or pirated products themselves don't cost anything, they're free.
The operation led to the successful busts of nearly 100 individuals involved in illegal copying of copyrighted software (i.e. software piracy), and alterations thereof, worldwide.
Criminal activities in cyberspace are increasing with computers being used for numerous illegal activities, including email surveillance, credit card fraud and software piracy.

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