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Übersetzungen für soot im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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soot [sʊt] SUBST no Pl

Beispielsätze für soot

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Periodic regenerations (high temperature excursions) are required to initiate combustion of the trapped soot and thereby reducing the exhaust back pressure.
You can almost picture a bewildered office boy, his face smudged with soot, wandering through the ruins and rescuing pages at random.
The funnels, in particular, were specially designed to keep smoke and soot from the rear decks.
As a result, the interiors were blackened by soot.
Medieval brewers had used many problematic ingredients to preserve beers, including soot and fly agaric mushrooms.
They put the soot collected from the oil lamp, that is lit all night in the "mazar" chamber, for their sight defects and eyes ailments.
Over a period of time, these tiles become dark to black from constant exposure to soot and smoke.
The ashes rain to the ground like snow, and people do wintry activities using the black soot.
The two start fighting, during the course of which the miller is covered with soot and the chimney sweep is covered with flour.
Oxygenates are usually employed as gasoline additives to reduce carbon monoxide and soot that is created during the burning of the fuel.

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