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Übersetzungen für sorely im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They, and it, will be sorely missed, he said.
Indeed, his refreshing originality and uncompromising independent spirit were sorely missed in a music scene where mindless commercialism and downright plagiarism ran rampant.
Music, he now felt, is uplifting to the soul; something sorely needed in troubled times.
This provided another opportunity for women to demonstrate how long held beliefs regarding a woman's capabilities had been sorely underestimated for too long.
She becomes sorely tempted to experience intimacy with the young doctor outside of marriage, a taboo.
Touted by advertisers as the biggest blast in the world; many of the spectators were sorely disappointed when the blast finally occurred.
Hacker plans to promote herostensibly to strike a blow for women's rightsonly to be sorely disappointed.
In the face of the imperial armies, and their sheer size, this was a sorely needed acquisition.
We will sorely miss his brilliance as our head coach, but we will benefit from the legacy he leaves for decades to come.
The horses had been sorely neglected, some had starved to death, and others took years to recover.

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