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Übersetzungen für sort code im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other countries, however, have codes which are equivalent to sort codes, but with formats unique to the country concerned.
These can often be found from someone's main email address, in past emails where someone has sent a sort code, an address, or an account number.
The sort code, which is a six-digit number, is usually formatted as three pairs of numbers, for example 12-34-56.
Six-digit account sort codes are used in the range between 09-00-xx to 09-19-xx.
The sort code is 990703 and the account number is 24603377.
The following list shows the first two digits of the sort codes allocated to clearing banks.
You compounded this by giving your former landlady the wrong sort code to transfer the money back to you.
The sort code is 90-12-98, and the account number is 47149101.
It was sent incorrectly by myself to the wrong sort code -- although the account number entered was correct.
To make a donation: sort code: 90 - 43 - 09; account number: 89515042, or log on to his fundraising page at gofundme.com/2htda79b.

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