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Übersetzungen für speaking clock im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The voice of the speaking clock for 23 years has died at the age of 83.
As well as the speaking clocks, there was ancillary equipment to provide timing signals, 1 pulse per second, 8 pulses per minute and 8 pulses per hour.
Electronic speaking clocks and wristwatches are available, many marketed to the visually impaired.
Before 2009, the speaking clock was available by dialing 1503.
The speaking clock was now much more accurate, telling the time in 10 second intervals followed by a beep, indicating the precise moment.
The most significant exhibit is one of the original mechanical speaking clocks, made with rotating glass discs.
Who, beyond unfortunates with sight problems, calls the speaking clock nowadays?
He also claimed to enjoy an uninterrupted flow of fan mail from lonely "mature ladies" who would call the speaking clock for company on long winter nights.
In the latter years of this sponsorship, it cost 30 pence to call the speaking clock.
A user could use the speaking clock by pressing the asterisk () button during the display of the home screen.

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