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Übersetzungen für speech act im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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speech act SUBST LING

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In asserting that "p" is true, we not only assert that "p" but also perform the speech act of confirming the truth of a statement in a context.
In this understanding, statements themselves are not propositions, utterances, or speech acts.
The simplest explanation of a speech act is actions that you perform by speaking.
I don't think such a free speech act was free at all.
For example, if one claims or implies with their speech act that it is raining outside, a good reason for claiming this is that one saw it out the window.
The potential speech act discourages rather than encourages certain lines of thought and this, the researchers argue, constitutes a version of linguistic relativity.
He sees a sharp distinction between the individual text and the total speech act situation surrounding it.
The book defends a minimal role for context in semantics and advocates speech act pluralism.
Since the request is performed indirectly, by means of (directly) performing a question, it counts as an indirect speech act.
It may also be interpreted as a speech act.

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