Englisch » Russisch

sprawling [-ɪŋ] ADJ abw

1. sprawling town:


2. sprawling handwriting:


I . sprawl [sprɔ:l, Am sprɑ:l] abw VERB intr

II . sprawl [sprɔ:l, Am sprɑ:l] abw SUBST

Beispielsätze für sprawling

to send sb sprawling

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

What a sprawling, befuddling, fascinating, frustrating mess of a movie.
Naturally the first impression on entering the sprawling numaish ground will be one of more elbow room.
With a population approaching 1.3 million it's a sprawling, diesel-laced city buzzing with tuk-tuks (three-wheeler taxis), street stalls, vibrant markets and dragon-topped temples.
It is located in 32 acres of lush green sprawling campus.
This plant is a sprawling or somewhat erect subshrub growing to a maximum height around 60 centimeters.
It may reach anywhere from 30 centimeters to 1.5 meters tall, and may be small and clumpy or quite sprawling.
The stems are usually erect and branching or sprawling, or in a few species prostrate along the ground.
The stems are 30 to 60 cm long, lax in habit, producing sprawling plants with upturned ends ending with clusters of bee pollinated flowers.
There, a comfortable chalet sits at the centre of a sprawling bounty of long, steep ascents and deliriously delicious descents.
Even with 25 teaching assistants, the 32-year-old lecturer struggled to keep track of her sprawling class, which included students from four different campuses and distance learners in other countries.

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