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Übersetzungen für stager im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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stager [ˈsteɪdʒəɐ, Am -dʒɚ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Home owners selling family homes, apartments and townhouses make up the greatest percentage of those hiring home stagers.
But now you can add the stager to the lineup.
Stager frequently takes advantage of the lab's capabilities to create replicas of historical artifacts which can then be handled and examined by visitors.
Apart from scouring estate sales and auctions, stagers often custom-make their own furniture to keep up with ever-changing design trends.
The old stager has made a few errors that he won't be happy about.
Some real estate agents also act as stagers.
Thankfully, you can save money on staging costs by doing some of the work yourself as opposed to hiring a professional stager.
They might yet surprise us, these two old stagers, and we should surely wish them well with their evaluations.
Any of the property players included are old stagers, who were in and out of the market before things got out of hand.
I counted 14 cars there the other day, mainly dog walkers, parents and kids, but some old stagers like myself.

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