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Übersetzungen für stairwell im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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stairwell SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

One of the main features of the building is its unique stairwell with glass waterfall which is 60 metres high and 40 metres wide.
Each of the twelve semi-attached towers has seven or eight apartments on each floor around a central stairwell and corridor.
The stairwell has an elliptical vault and moulded friezes and motifs.
He photographed stairwells and architectural details on the faades and took pictures of the interiors of apartments.
The spires were also removed and replaced by two cones placed on the rear of the tower on top of the stairwells.
There are four windows on each floor and a window in the stairwell between the first and second floors.
He begins to lose the signal in the stairwell, so he turns back to avoid losing the connection.
She falls in the stairwell on the way out of the building.
Additional stairwells were sited at the ends of the wings, again to conform to building codes.
This openness is achieved through glazed walls and a large stairwell.

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