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Übersetzungen für straighten out im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . straighten out VERB trans

1. straighten out (make straight):

4. straighten out (clarify):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The organization works with young people who have been incarcerated and who are out on parole, to try to help them straighten out their lives.
It took weeks to straighten out the confusion and get the surgery covered.
You people have broken a lot of dishes and now we have to see how we can straighten out this mess.
Do the right thing by the taxpayers and start to straighten out these endless fiscal messes.
The river was deepened and channeled between embankments, new sections were dug to straighten out the river's original meandering course, and numerous small islands were removed.
We just need to straighten out an anomaly that health-care professionals have known about for years.
Shaft bows (except for those made of lime) straighten out with time, especially if rarely used.
The effect was to straighten out the front line, which was thought necessary in preparation for a massive artillery bombardment with a major push.
As it leaves the capital limits for the last time, it tries to straighten out only to curve at an even sharper northeast angle.
Later growth becomes more rapid on the inner (ventral) face, the bud opens, and the leaves straighten out.

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