Russisch » Englisch

Übersetzungen für strategically im Russisch » Englisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These slice up a large order into many small pieces, gradually and strategically submitting them to the market.
The battle was indecisive but favoured the government strategically.
If you like being the commander of your army, you can sit back away from the action, directing your army's actions strategically.
Creator must also consider how to best strategically choose each building substance, since they contain different physical properties.
Balloons, skywriting, and banner towing are usually strategically located.
It is strategically situated close to central car parking and benefits from being close to public transport services.
Proverbs have also been used strategically by poets.
The authenticity of passion was attained by the film director's off-screen manipulation of a safety pin strategically poking her bottom.
Parties involved in a difference of opinion maneuver strategically to simultaneously realize their dialectical and their rhetorical aims.
Using clever camera angles and strategically placed objects, the commercial gave viewers the titillating illusion that the cheerleaders were nude in the shower with little left to the imagination.

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