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Übersetzungen für succour im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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I . succour [ˈsʌkəɐ, Am -ɚ] Brit, Aus, succor Am, Aus SUBST

II . succour [ˈsʌkəɐ, Am -ɚ] Brit, Aus, succor Am, Aus VERB trans

Beispielsätze für succour

to bring succour to sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

To all that seek me there shall be given succour.
Why then is customer support and help and succour, sustenance and service not a more up-front message in the message sets used by cloud vendors?
His own works will succour, or his own works will overwhelm every one.
Some of our inability to recognise crises before they become dangerous is due to denial and other psychological responses that provide succour and protection for our emotions.
As people and lifeforms have arrived, the land has accommodated them, providing resources and succour.
Then the remainder fled, not able to abide longer, seeking succour in many directions, some east, some west, and some fled to the north.
This submission derives succour in the said judgment.
She cries for succour; she wails for sanctuary.
The annual event which provided succour to the people started four years ago.
Upon landfall, the three desperately ill men were abandoned by the main party, who walked south hoping to find succour.

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