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Übersetzungen für superiority im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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superiority [su:ˌpɪərɪˈɒrətɪ, Am səˌpɪrɪˈɔ:rət̬ɪ] SUBST no Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In this contributed of course the club soccer players with their superiority, their high morals and the fighting spirit that they demonstrated.
These effects illustrate the superiority of the field theoretical second quantisation approach as compared with the wave function formalism.
Some evidence exists supporting the superiority of combined treatment approaches.
Such was the superiority of these two horses that only two other horses were entered.
It requires accepting prudent risk in selected areas to achieve superiority overwhelming effects in the decisive operation.
They were never ordained, and never held any office of superiority.
Anecdotal reports suggest they can be effective but no formal study has been conducted to demonstrate their superiority.
For example, control group members may work extra hard to see that expected superiority of the experimental group is not demonstrated.
Unfortunately, at the dawn of new millennium when human beings boasts its superiority of creation, there seems a little room for real education.
In this modelbeginning with the most fundamental difference in our species, between male and femalediversity is not equated with either inferiority or superiority.

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