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Übersetzungen für supply teacher im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für supply teacher

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

According to the ruling, this happened a number of times, usually when a supply teacher was teaching the class.
To a round of applause for the protesters, the former supply teacher said his party was concerned that this scheme was actually about saving costs.
I can't justify the cost of a supply teacher for that amount of time.
School staff taking leave missed an average of almost nine days, representing a significant cost to the taxpayer in supply teacher costs.
He was obliged to slave as a bank clerk and supply teacher to keep the wolf from the door.
He may have retired in 1993, his wife pointed out, but he was a supply teacher for years afterwards.
The school is working on a long-term plan for the classroom; but, in the interim, a supply teacher has come in.
A school has issued an apology to parents after a supply teacher made "outrageous" threats to a class of eight-year-old pupils.
Schools are turning to them to avoid paying the higher cost of employing a supply teacher.
During his time out of parliament, he worked as a supply teacher and market trader: building up a stronger, more community oriented reputation.

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