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Übersetzungen für surmise im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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surmise [ˈsɜ:maɪz, Am sɚˈmaɪz] VERB trans form

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is surmised that this effect derives from the presence in them of transethanol.
A chronology with relatively realistic information about the routes to the summit reinforced the surmise.
The church treasurer knew that she had received 90 for her house and surmised that this money had come from her.
It can be surmised that volcanism exists on planets and moons of this type in other solar systems as well.
The assay surmised that cooking times were not sufficient to adequately heat all cold spot areas within the egg white.
One can only surmise and its not for the composer to judge.
Not all games resulted in this outcome, however, and for those that did it is surmised that these participants were often notable captives.
The hearer must interpret the clue, taking into account the context, and surmise what the speaker intended to communicate.
Only decades later did historians surmise the likely origin of the plane.
Officials surmised that he was living there with his youngest wife.

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