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Übersetzungen für tatters im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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tatter [ˈtætəɐ, Am ˈtæt̬ɚ] SUBST Pl

Beispielsätze für tatters

to be in tatters

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many of her experienced nobles were dead and the economy which had barely begun to recover from the earlier wars was once again in tatters.
The relative was so shocked to see him there in tatters, he had to drag away the protesting scholar with the promise to help him.
A library that had been struggling with disinterest in a shabby headquarters now found itself loved to tatters, with greater demand than it could readily satisfy.
He later complained privately that all our plans are in tatters.
As a result of the scandal, her reputation was in tatters.
The roof of the grandstand was blown across the road, landing on the houses opposite, and the stand was left in tatters.
When she looks into a mirror, she will see his spirit like a shore blowing tatters around her shoulders in a haze.
After meeting a humble, unassuming master and his three eager students, the fighter continues his arrogant mission and leaves another few reputations in tatters.
Going back to more ancient times, the four pillars were broken; the nine provinces were in tatters.
Some were unshaven, their uniforms and boots were dirty and in tatters, and they showed little discipline or military courtesy.

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