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Übersetzungen für taxi driver im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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taxi driver SUBST

Beispielsätze für taxi driver

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The taxi driver, his face rumpled with concern, slid back the window and addressed the tear-stained heap in the back of his cab.
Since his driver's license was suspended due to medical reasons, he was no longer able to make a living as a taxi driver.
Before his arrest, he worked as a taxi driver.
But a strip that is limited to taxi driver gags is bound to wear thin pretty fast.
By comparison, in 2004, a taxi driver had an average yearly gross revenue of $90,747 and a net income of $49,532.
By 1998, the unnamed group recorded a demo cassette which was given to a taxi driver friend who played it to his passengers.
He was forced to start working as a taxi driver at the time to make a living.
Also, taxi driver incomes decreased, and the earnings of taxi companies also decreased substantially.
A local taxi driver attempted to clean it himself, scratching it and exposing its original bronze color.
We see bizarre things accompanied by dead bodies on the road while he is moonlighting as a taxi driver.

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