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Übersetzungen für teacup im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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teacup [ˈti:kʌp] SUBST

Beispielsätze für teacup

a storm in a teacup

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These pieces are mostly decorative, such as figures, tiles; and fine wares such as casseroles, teacups, and dishes.
Two large teapots were installed on the trolley and many teacups and stands were placed in front of the frame.
The smaller wading pool includes an elevated teacup.
Teacup dogs are popular today because of their interesting size at maturity; thus, they are commonly bred as they sell very quickly.
She crushes her teacup and uses the pieces to free herself.
The humour of the poem comes from the storm in a teacup being couched within the elaborate, formal verbal structure of an epic poem.
Gently pour tea into the teacups to fill.
Another drawing showed 20 teacups circling a central hub, making it similar to a racetrack with banked curves.
This phenomenon can be found in a lot of compound words like red bean, bean curd, and teacup.
If the calcifications exhibit the classic teacup appearance of benign fibrocystic changes, then a biopsy is usually not necessary.

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