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Übersetzungen für technicalities im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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technicality <-ies> [ˌteknɪˈkælətɪ, Am -nəˈkælət̬ɪ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This submission again falls into the error of treating the transaction according to its technicalities - that the finance company was interested in purchasing the car.
It emphasised contractual freedom and alienability of property, while shunning legal technicalities and deciding cases "ex aequo et bono".
This is because of the technicalities of unit trust trading.
There are philosophical principles involved, but his training is not mired in technicalities.
These technicalities may seem like hair-splitting, but they could be prohibitive enough to cancel a research study.
Champion said however that such technicalities are minimal and that she was not tyring to play the "blame game".
The former has the power to strike down proposals on legal technicalities while the latter organises meetings, agendas and minutes.
It has tempted many authors ignorant of the technicalities, into embarrassing howlers in their terminology.
Yes, if pedantry and technicalities prevail.

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