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Übersetzungen für tell off im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A head teacher has used her weekly letter to tell off parents who allow their children to arrive at school in a "dirty and unkempt" state.
He wants the fans to move on and isn't afraid to tell off those obsessed with his old band, yet still brings the subject up nearly every chance he gets.
She only stepdown to tell off how security hit her car with his hand and did the same thing to the traffic enforcers motorbike.
Here's to the girls who still just wan na have fun -- and occasionally tell off their husbands.
If you must, simply must, tell off your ex, the best bet is to say whatever you need to say to his or her face, in private.
It is time for politicians from both side of the political divide to tell off recalcitrant taxi drivers.
They have this habit of grinning at you -- they're difficult to tell off.
Many songs tell off the rounding up of recruits, which shows that these songs are from the first half of the 19th century.
Well, it's a little early to tell off the back of two senior team appearances, but he'll certainly be happy with that.
Next the lads have impure thoughts and tell off jokes.

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