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Übersetzungen für theoretical im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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theoretical [θɪəˈretɪkl, Am ˌθi:əˈret̬-] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But even so, a plain statement of the theoretical result of the cases, a formulation of the principle to be deduced from them, is avoided.
After his death in 1792 she continued to publish orientalist scholarship, as well as historical, educationalist and theoretical works.
The design area is a theoretical area of the building representing the worst case area where a fire could burn.
Psychological determinants are theoretical variables in people's head, comparable to risk factors in epidemiology, but only including psychological variables.
The theoretical portion is primarily concerned with syntax, grammar and semantics of programming languages.
Another theoretical description focused on analytical methodology has examined periodic nonlinear waves known as breathers.
They studied theoretical subjects and were subjected to a variety of tests.
This allows a further generalization of the concept of vector space incorporating the semirings from theoretical computer science.
Book reviews, integrative theoretical and critical literature reviews, and tutorial reviews are also published.
During this time theoretical and experimental research improved the design of the fluidized bed.

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