Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für there im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Russisch » Englisch)

I . there ADV

2. there (indicate existence):

there is/are
there is/are

II . there INTERJ

1. there (expressing sympathy):

there, there

2. there (expressing satisfaction, annoyance):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Their function is to pick off debris so as to keep the surface clean and to prevent larvae of other invertebrates from settling and growing there.
In 1975, there was held cleansing works in underground part of the mausoleum in the result of which a sepulcher was found out.
There was a day when such a lapse would have sent him into paroxysms of defensive laughter.
We have counter-evidence that every time there are leaks out of these agencies, the sky doesn't fall down.
There, plant staff separate non-combustible items and divert them to their proper destination.
There is no known scientific study to prove that uterine unicornis is a hereditary genetic disorder.
There were two compartments, both with four-abreast seating, with reversible seats.
There was a black muscle shirt with brownish red stains that passed a "presumptive" blood test.
At the restarts, there were a number of cars 5 car lengths behind the car in front which should mean a stop-go penalty but these incidents went unpunished.
As there wasn't room inside for everybody the trooper chained two of the prisoners to the tree.

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