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Übersetzungen für toothache im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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toothache [ˈtu:θeɪk] SUBST

Beispielsätze für toothache

to have a toothache

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Mashes of "tsampa" and cumin are sometimes applied to toothaches or other sore spots.
Topical anesthetic agents are typically intraorally to control pain or irritation caused by toothache, teething, or sores in or around the mouth.
It can also be purchased in pharmacies over the counter as a home remedy for dental pain relief, mainly toothache.
There were also the presence of cholera, inuenza, smallpox, beri-beri, dysentery, bubonic plague, scurvy, rheumatism, asthma, syphilis, tetanus, toothache, and ulcers.
It destroys the influenza virus, quickly stops external bleeding, soothes a toothache, is effective for angina and running nose, paradontosis, and eliminates heartburn.
He wrapped his beard and face in a handkerchief, pretending he had a toothache.
If a tooth gets a large cavity, the bacteria in the decay can damage the pulp, which is often what causes toothache.
For toothache the bark is removed, the branch heated in ashes, and then placed in the mouth to harden a loose tooth.
There is reference to toothworm as the cause of toothache and to tooth extraction as a cure (draw it).
However, the vast majority of toothache is caused by dental, rather than non-dental, sources.

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