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Übersetzungen für tracker im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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tracker dog [ˈtrækəˌdɒg, Am -ɚˌdɑ:g] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His feelings and memories are distorted with hallucinogenic tracker jacker venom, a mind-control technique.
It's also a fitness tracker, with built-in components that measure your activity and pulse rate.
The request does something like a wipe or a pass over the tracker, and then the tracker sends information back to the client.
Want to know more about this watch fitness tracker crossover?
It is a fine pointer, an excellent tracker, and also a good watchdog.
The seeker is commonly referred to as a hot metal tracker.
Net is notable as being the first low cost real-time streaming web-based financial portfolio tracker available on the internet for individual investors and active traders.
Other forms of mortgage loans include interest only mortgage, graduated payment mortgage, variable rate mortgage (including adjustable-rate mortgages and tracker mortgages), negative amortization mortgage, and balloon payment mortgage.
Does this mean you should toss your fitness tracker?
The product works like a fitness tracker, but has a circular display and is shaped like a watch.

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