Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für trusty im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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trusty <-ier, -iest> [ˈtrʌstɪ] ADJ iron

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Through ruse and disguises, the prince and a trusty female servant manage to break up the relationship, resulting in two marriages.
And the trusty system, which allow certain inmates to have power and control over others, was also abolished.
The certificate dipped in a bucket of ocean water and presented to the new trusty shellback.
However, he was allowed become an armed trusty and head trainer of the prison's bloodhounds.
When the man drags her away, the old man dons his trusty suit and follows.
At various stages he filled the role of team leader and trusty reserve.
You are a fisherman out on the sea in your trusty trawler.
The institution was operated as a hard-time prison labor work farm, which was notorious for its harsh conditions and use of the trusty system.
To my side hung the trusty brown leather satchel that housed my pen and paper, and digital voice recorder.
Trusty is generally a doleful character, but a noble and loyal one.

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