Russisch » Englisch

Übersetzungen für two-room im Russisch » Englisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The residence was originally a two-room log cabin.
The two-room set has a sitting room with a sofa and chairs at left, and a bedroom at right.
The property includes a number of contributing outbuildings including a wash house / kitchen, two-room privy, a barn, a machine shed, and a corn crib.
The lower reaches of the hill has lower social class homes in tight-fitting one- or two-room rental units.
For most of the production, the studio was a converted two-room apartment.
They lived in a small two-room house with their five children and two lodgers.
Originally a two-room schoolhouse, it was expanded to three rooms in 1923.
They accept to live in a two-room flat with a sofa bed to make the most out of attractions that are unique in their view.
Inside his two-room house, his wife and children are unperturbed by the sound of retching.

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