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Übersetzungen für un-English im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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un-English [ˌʌnˈɪŋglɪʃ] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But enthusiasm for art or ideas risks making one appear elitist or, well, un-English.
It was thought to be un-English by opponents, but the secret ballot carried.
It's a very un-English way of playing.
You summed up very well the idea that playing in any other way is seen as un-English, almost frowned upon.
The point is that the tragedy was curiously un-English; an unwilling populace forced to take sides in a conflict of extremists.
For that reason, it might be best for this team if we have some un-English conditions for the rest of the summer.
The garden grew and grew -- a strange and very un-English mixture of straight lines, blocks of colour and shimmering flowers.
There was something distinctly un-English about these fist-pumping displays of extreme patriotism.
His dribbling ability was the stuff of comic book heroes, his burst into space, drop of the shoulder and swagger distinctly un-English.
Here the whole character of the building, whether we regard its plan, its distinctive features, its external or internal decoration is eminently un-English.

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