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Übersetzungen für unadulterated im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unadulterated [ˌʌnəˈdʌltəreɪtɪd, Am -t̬əreɪt̬ɪd] ADJ

1. unadulterated (not changed):


2. unadulterated a. übtr (pure):

unadulterated substance
unadulterated substance
unadulterated nonsense

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In whatever aspect it shows itself to the viewer, it always remains independent and primeval, unadulterated by the civilisation, unsubdued by man.
Limited city lights and an absence of photopollution in the area allow for unadulterated naked eye and telescopic astronomy depending on the time, weather and season.
He was renowned for having a huge store of songs and for having an unadulterated traditional style.
In addition to popular entertainment, they featured workshops and displays advocating holistic health issues, alternative medicine, clean and sustainable energy, and unadulterated foods.
As importantly, it made sense to extract liquids before sending the dry gas that remained - unadulterated methane - into the export market.
No, they will soften it for the public, which isn't hip enough to appreciate the raw, pure, unadulterated source like they do.
Finally, the lack of most additives to enhance the fermentation process reduces the cost of factor inputs while also producing a virtually unadulterated product.
There is plenty of scope for pure, unadulterated rock however.
He also said that the lyrics were unadulterated truth, and that the song's sound and attitude recalled the outlaw country movement.
Within three months, they expanded their selection to include tea and tobacco, and they were soon known for providing high quality, unadulterated goods.

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