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Übersetzungen für uncomfortably im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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uncomfortably ADV


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The only positive thing about it was a thirties setting and lots of great villains, but the story was paper-thin and it was uncomfortably campy.
Its lack of heat conduction allows for prolonged smoking without the pipe's heating up uncomfortably.
Many of these holds, when applied vigorously, stretch the opponent's muscles or twist his or her joints uncomfortably, hence the name.
The comic also had to uncomfortably deal with inconsistent characterization misconceptions in the films.
Winter nights could be bitterly cold, yet the days could still be uncomfortably hot.
When talking to people, he has a tendency to grab the person's arm (often uncomfortably) and hold them close.
He also praised the lyric as a tried-but-true drinkin and cryin lyric for something that manages to sound modern without feeling uncomfortably shoehorned in there.
He said that if that bench had existed when he was there he could have utilized it to sleep, albeit uncomfortably.
Upper layers of limbs were placed with the cut ends of the limbs touching the earth to avoid uncomfortably sharp spots and sap.
Regrettably, the balance of light steel superstructure on the cantilevered abutment ends is strained, like a sculptural toy, and the bridge touches the ground uncomfortably.

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