Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für undercut im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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undercut <-cut,-cut> [ˌʌndəˈkʌt, Am -dɚˈ-] VERB trans

1. undercut (charge less):

undercut competitor

2. undercut (undermine):

undercut opponent
undercut position

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His early woodworking experience translated into sculptures that were deeply undercut and visible from far away through the dramatic use of contrast and strong shadows.
He became the most popular socialist advocate of his day, with a special appeal to artisans were being undercut by factories.
Over time, many small bottlers were undercut by such factors as changing market demographics, the rise of national supermarkets and the introduction of nonreturnable packaging.
The southern margin of the island, for example, takes the form of a low cliff, which is severely undercut by the sea in many places.
If prices are discrete (for example have to take integer values) then one firm has to undercut the other by at least one cent.
Cast definitive palatal lift prosthesis clasps engage dental abutment surfaces harboring what typically represent 0.01 or 0.02 inch undercuts responsible for prosthetic retention.
It allowed competitors to enter the market without allowing the incumbents to undercut them in price.
Falls are a result of undercutting of water as well as undercutting of waves.
The grooves in the wrench are cut by a square-cornered broach, giving a slight undercut to the outer corners of the driver.
Because of the high price of mined diamonds, the ability to produce gem-quality synthetic diamonds threatened to undercut the business of mined diamond producers.

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