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Übersetzungen für underexposure im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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underexposure [ˌʌndərɪkˈspəʊʒəɐ, Am -dɚɪkˈspoʊʒɚ] SUBST no Pl phot

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The collective underexposure and lack of empowerment result in drastically lower female ambition towards politics.
The underexposure in camera and process to dodge back light where he wants it -- although done in a digital environment -- relate more to the traditions of analog printing.
Underexposure is more complex because even if only a few photons have been recorded, there's a chance some detail may be recoverable -- although it's unlikely.
If the shutter closed too soon, underexposure took place and the line was black.
We also had some hiccups with exposure and colour, with underexposure not uncommon and blue/cool tones present in some scenes.
Given the underexposure of the cadet tournament, his exploits went unnoticed.
Many neutral test cards are far from perfectly diffuse reflectors, and specular reflections can cause increased reflected-light meter readings that, if followed, would result in underexposure.
The use of chiaroscuro is common throughout his works, through underexposure and adjustment in printing.
Factors considered may include unusual lighting distribution, variations within a camera system, filters, non-standard processing, or intended underexposure or overexposure.
The club's underexposure has to do with its exclusivity.

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