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Übersetzungen für unflinching im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unflinching [ʌnˈflɪntʃɪŋ] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Their indomitable fighting spirit and unflinching devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the armed forces.
However, the organization has outlived such malicious motives, thanks of the unflinching commitment by the rank and file of the organization and the continuous support of the student community.
Sam's trademark both his greatest strength and greatest flaw is his unflinching idealism.
The portraits are unflinching records of the physical and emotional effects of ageing.
The book received a generally positive reception for its unflinching narrative and engaging writing.
Even though he likes to have a little fun, he takes his role as the gold dragon of legend seriously with unflinching bravery and determination.
For example, one critic called the film a first-class production, accentuated by fine performances and an unflinching script.
From his name to his aim, emerges unflinching patriotism.
His lifes work encourages aesthetic beauty and unflinching natural integrity, be it through artwork, publications, advocacy, or illustration.
The film takes an unflinching look at the difficulties and triumphs that happen each day and night.

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