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Übersetzungen für unheard im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unheard [ʌnˈhɜ:d, Am -ˈhɜ:rd] ADJ

1. unheard (not heard):


2. unheard (ignored):

to go unheard

unheard-of [ʌnˈhɜ:dɒv, Am -ˈhɜ:rdɑ:v] ADJ

Beispielsätze für unheard

to go unheard

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The construction, which lasted into the nineteenth century, lodged the city's residents in safe new structures unheard-of before the quake.
To make sure these supporters did not go unheard, he incorporated their opinions into his brief.
Encryption was considered a very sensitive subject and the coming together of delegates from different countries was unheard-of at the time.
Women of the urban middle and upper classes were confined to the domestic sphere, and the vast majority remained unseen and unheard in public life.
It is not unheard-of for the agency responsible for the construction to simply choose the proposal that asks for the least funding.
The album went virtually unheard at the time of its release.
This practice of polyandry was introduced in old times to balance survival as cultivated land is less and family planning was unheard.
From this image, an unseen and unheard interviewer puts the camera on the last men to see her and the ones who found her.
It also includes the previously unheard third theme.
It compiles 14 exclusive and previously unheard tracks recorded by artists who had previously been involved in events run by the charity.

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