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Übersetzungen für unobtainable im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unobtainable [ˌʌnəbˈteɪnəbl] ADJ

unobtainable number, goods, information:


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In addition, the rotary engine used was not powerful enough; it had originally been planned to use a 100 hp car engine which proved unobtainable.
This can allow for the elucidation of neural microcircuitry to an extent that was previously unobtainable.
Even the limited editions books she so meticulously illustrated with her woodcuts are practically unobtainable.
His talent was making doors into unobtainable areas, but only those that are inaccessible.
Early plans were for completion of the first unit by 1981, but this proved unobtainable, and after several delays, the project was finally cancelled.
They defeat him, but a volcanic eruption caused by his sound waves covers the vibranium and renders it unobtainable.
In the shop, players can sell items for points, which can be used to buy items which would otherwise be unobtainable.
An opposite and recent trend is to produce an instrument which has a unique and distinctive appearance, unobtainable with a conventional instrument.
The figure struggles to fit into societies preconceived image for her, hiding behind the mask of an unobtainable picture, both in color and shape.
Imaging is most important to make a diagnosis when patients history is unobtainable and the physical examination is not dependable.

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