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Übersetzungen für unreliable im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unreliable [ˌʌnrɪˈlaɪəbl] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Anecdotal evidence suggests that some of them are unreliable and responsible for violent crimes.
Most other numbers listed for ringback are specific to one exchange or one telco; available lists tend to be outdated and unreliable.
However, they were very new and turned out to be very unreliable.
It was tested in a variety of aircraft, but proved to be unreliable and prone to overheating.
Germination is slow and unreliable and requires warm temperatures.
The electrical infrastructure, already overloaded and unreliable, has become highly stressed with the new market.
The idea was transferred to illegal brokers because they too sought to profit from sources too small or too unreliable for legitimate brokers to handle.
Electricity during this period was very unreliable and erratic, and came from about 20 scattered and individually operating units.
This worked until the panic of 1857 and unreliable state-issued paper money caused many customers to default.
Mines that have been buried for many years may become unreliable and fail to detonate when struck, yet they may still be hazardous.

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