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Übersetzungen für unscrupulous im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unscrupulous [ʌnˈskru:pjʊləs, Am -pjə-] ADJ abw

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Toxic substances may also be added to the mixture for making concrete by unscrupulous makers.
She is beautiful, unscrupulous, completely callous, interested solely in herself.
She was said to associate with unscrupulous businessmen.
His physical appearance and suave voice equipped him for roles as slick politician, corrupt businessman, crooked sheriff, or unscrupulous lawyer.
Baron is a corrupt and unscrupulous businessman who will do the utmost to obtain whatever he desires, no matter what it takes.
Unscrupulous or ignorant distillers may add car battery acid to increase potency, thereby leading to poisoning and similarly harmful side effects.
Drivers were frequently victimized by unscrupulous promoters who would leave events with all the money before drivers were paid.
It was actually caused by incidents connected to land-grabbing and to unscrupulous politicians organizing armed groups.
It operates most usefully in scenarios where someone may sell or release an email address to spam lists or to other unscrupulous entities.
He possesses a seemingly endless supply of weaponry, as well as an unscrupulous personality.

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