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Übersetzungen für unsettling im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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unsettling ADJ

1. unsettling (causing nervousness):

unsettling news

2. unsettling (causing disruption):

have an unsettling effect on

3. unsettling HANDEL:


unsettle [ˌʌnˈsetl, Am -ˈset̬-] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für unsettling

have an unsettling effect on

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The prejudice of some male professors proved more unsettling.
These objects took on new meaning when combined with other unlikely and unsettling objects.
The lyrical imagery on many songs contained bleak, unsettling subject matter and numerous literary references.
The imagery is provocative and unsettling and certainly a departure from the shiny-happy-people aesthetic of most commercials for home furnishings or fashion products.
However, his habit of unsettling opponents through physical intimidation contributed to a heavily tarnished disciplinary record.
The musical style is of an unpredictable and unsettling nature, which is generally maintained throughout the entire album.
The first feeling of an asthma attack is unsettling and can result in a short period of rapid breathing.
The outer movements are more adventurous than usual in terms of harmony and are unsettling in effect.
Video projections and unusual flexible screens were added to the stage set, creating an unsettling ambiance.
Thus, she is revealed as a figure of cosmic capacity, quite capable of unsettling the divine order.

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