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Übersetzungen für uppercut im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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uppercut [ˈʌpəkʌt, Am ˈ-ɚ-] SUBST sports

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Other variations on the standard heavy bag include horizontal suspension from both ends to practice uppercut punches and non-cylindrical shapes.
Both normal uppercuts and uppercuts that are part of a ground combo would result in a level change.
To perform the uppercut, the player needs to press the start button once a star is earned.
He also utilizes a teleport uppercut for one of his special moves.
He was landing solid uppercuts and left hands to the body before dropping him with a left hook to the chin.
This style favors closing inside an opponent, overwhelming them with intensity and flurries of hooks and uppercuts.
The uppercut bag began to appear towards the beginning of the century.
Pivoting increases the power of the punch, but leaves one lacking in options to follow up with, such as the right uppercut or right hook.
Variations of the hook are the "shovel hook" or "upper-hook"; they are body punches that combine characteristics of both the hook and the uppercut.
You have a basic jab, cross, hook and uppercut.

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