Englisch » Russisch

Übersetzungen für upward im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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II . upward [ˈʌpwəd, Am -wɚd] ADV Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This technique does not allow the rescuer to provide upward thrust by finning, and all lift must be from buoyancy.
It now sports a more helmet like head design as the horse snout is pushed upward to allow a more insect/human-like face.
This continues from manager to manager upward through the organization.
At equilibrium, the export flux of organic material sinking into the aphotic zone is balanced by the upward flux of nitrate.
The upward flow of the asthenosphere results in decompression melting, magmatic underplating and some volcanism that may occur in the rift area.
The rudder was straight edged with rounded corners and cut away at its base to allow upward elevator movement.
The flower has five fuzzy sepals in shades of pale green, sometimes edged with red, which are reflexed upward.
The petioles appear flattened and the edges are turned upward forming a shallow groove at the base.
These signals were broadcast directly upward, and would be heard briefly as the aircraft flew over them.
They arc slightly upward at the base and hang down on the sides of the head without touching the face.

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