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Übersetzungen für valence im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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valence [ˈvæləns], valency [ˈveɪlənsɪ] SUBST CHEM, PHYS

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Finally, the valences are the inputs to a dynamic system that integrates the valences over time to generate the output preference states.
The number of bonds that a verb has constitutes what we will call the valence of the verb.
For example, positive and negative valence are indicated with smiling and frowning faces.
He found that the valence-electron to atom ratio is a good predictor of stacking fault energy, even when the alloying element is changed.
In semiconductor optics, one typically excites transitions between a valence and a conduction band.
An example: the carbon atom has a total of 6 electrons, 4 of them being valence electrons.
Typical houses in the row feature porches with hip roofs, wooden posts with chamfered and reeded details, lattice-shaped valences, and ornamental brackets.
They found that higher levels of anhedonia were associated with diminished arousal, but not valence, ratings.
For example, the pure semiconductor silicon has four valence electrons which bond each silicon atom to its neighbors.
The nitrogen atom has only 5 valence electrons and is therefore considered an electrophile.

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