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Übersetzungen für verbose im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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verbose [vɜ:ˈbəʊs, Am vɚˈboʊs] ADJ abw form

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The opposition to the bill, whilst verbose, was not very effective.
While always a gentlemen and available to talk, he could not stand verbose writing and would ruthlessly cut words and forced writers to state their view.
He was immediately resented by many of his fellow pilots, and the fact that he was opinionated and verbose did little to ease the situation.
This is a more verbose construction.
A 1942 review praised his clean, solid swing but found him to be verbose.
Whereas the literary character was quite verbose and could carry on long conversations with the other characters, the cinematic version's discourses are more limited, consisting mainly of threats or boasts.
Joey's verbose lyrical style makes for great visual storytelling, lucky for us, as his words spring to life around him.
It is to his credit that he has remained communicative without being verbose and intelligent without being clever-clever.
He is prone to verbose rantings accompanied by dramatic hand gestures.
In addition, he was quickly perceived as a verbose speaker who sometimes lost contact with his audience.

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