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Übersetzungen für video cassette im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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video cassette [vɪdɪəʊkəˈset, Am -oʊ-] SUBST

Beispielsätze für video cassette

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is important to note that this case was not about unauthorized taping or video cassette piracy.
Other uses are upholstered furniture, automobile interior textiles, car cushions and insulation blocks in trucks, packaging material, video cassette recorder housing and electric and electronic equipment.
It was recorded originally in 1990 and released then on video cassette.
It is a popular digital video cassette format for broadcast television use.
Video cassette recorders differ substantially from audio recorders due to the use of a rotating magnetic head that uses a helical scan over the tape medium.
There were a few albums in the 1980s that had a video cassette release in the same vein.
The books and films revolve around a mysterious video cassette which is said to curse those who watch it so that they will die within a week of viewing.
As many of the older classic films became available on video cassette in the early 1980s, the theater switched to contemporary independent films and foreign fare.
Then there were auto-up-down windows and the hand-winder became like the video cassette.
The defendants obtained the video cassette copies for viewing legally.

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