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Übersetzungen für warm front im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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warm front SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Because of a warm front the following morning, it changed into sleet then freezing rain.
Early on the 28th, it pushed back northward against a warm front to the east.
A warm front is a narrow line of warmer temperatures and essentially where much of the precipitation occurs.
As the afternoon progressed, the warm front moved into the drier air to the north, pulling with it the moist air over the dry air.
Altocumulus clouds can form via convection or via the forced uplift caused by a warm front.
These conditions commonly occur at the leading edge of a warm front.
A zonally oriented warm front extended from the southern low, while a north-south cold front was located near the low pressure.
Meanwhile, its associated warm front progresses more slowly, as the cooler air ahead of the system is denser, and therefore more difficult to dislodge.
The day started off on an active note with the warm front moving northwards.
It collided with a warm front in the northern territories.

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