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Übersetzungen für well-meaning im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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well-meaning, well-meant ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

That government has generally been regarded as a well-meaning government containing much political talent, but was hit by frequent problems.
Although his trade has stained him red from head to foot, underneath his devilish colouring he is a handsome, shrewd, well-meaning young man.
A series of well-meaning but horribly counterproductive laws passed during this decade 1970s, which gave an immense leg up to interest groups in the city.
Educated, enlightened and well-meaning, he adapted to the land and its culture.
It has already taken the lives of several well-meaning and innocent individuals.
To others, who saw them as essentially well-meaning practical jokers, the knocking was their way of warning the miners that a life-threatening collapse was imminent.
His influence in her life is alternately helpful and mocking; he considers her well-meaning, but a crybaby and accident-prone.
These were frequently well-meaning friends or family members who wanted to participate, or help sway the verdict of the trial.
It refuses the well-meaning but tired and ultimately dehumanising conventions of human rights horror journalism; it is not a political tract...
He has a well-meaning personality, is constantly friendly, dedicated to his studies, and has a genuine concern for all of his friends.

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