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Übersetzungen für window frame im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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window frame SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When glass breaks it produces specific shock frequencies which travel through the glass and often through the window frame and the surrounding walls and ceiling.
Part of the top right railing balcony was left out for a whole window frame to be visible.
When the images are moved further apart, the outer edges are cropped by the same amount, thus duplicating the effect of a window frame.
Only fits across the top of the window frame.
The window manager also handles input related to these elements, such as resizing the window when the user clicks and drags the window frame.
The 15th-century window frame itself replaced an even taller, earlier 13th-century window.
With a wooden, male model of each window pane, the plexiglas was clamped in a frame much like a window frame.
He says that he's there to fix a window frame and to apologize for accusing her of kicking the ladder.
Window frame works, costing 10,033, appeared in a claim in 2005.
Typically, the great hall had the most beautiful decorations in it, as well as on the window frame mouldings on the outer wall.

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