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Übersetzungen für wizardry im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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wizardry [ˈwɪzədrɪ, Am -ɚd-] SUBST no Pl

Beispielsätze für wizardry

technical wizardry

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They tolerate a limited study of wizardry, if only to better understand the powers employed by their enemies.
Using this power is one of the earmarks of wizardry.
Music critics hailed it as a blend of studio wizardry and fearless innovation.
It was said he had a reputation for wizardry in his treatment for heart disease and arthritis.
Wizardry was likewise appended with additional scenarios that allowed importing of the first games' save data.
She brings the book home with her and discovers that it is about the art of wizardry.
Wizardry 8 uses different statistics than the previous games, necessitating conversions from the upper limit of 18 to the new upper limit of 100.
They are knowledge-seekers who aspire to technical wizardry, and so are pleased when others defer to their expertise.
Whilst the album showed an over-reliance on technical wizardry, their lyrical stance was positive.
The article's author writes that no amount of computer wizardry will eliminate the need for human beings to also move merchandise onto shelves.

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