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Übersetzungen für zucchini im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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zucchini <-(s)> [zuˈki:nɪ, Am zu:ˈ-] SUBST Am, Aus gastr


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Its fruit slightly resembles a cucumber or zucchini with ridges.
They are classified as vegetables in the culinary sense, (for example: the tomato, cucumber, zucchini, and so on), and hence they do not appear in this list.
These include varieties such as zucchini, zapallo, chayote, and ayote.
In a study of the silverleaf whitefly, a pest of other curcurbits family plants including zucchini squash, cucumber, and pumpkin was examined.
There are other variations besides eggplant, such as zucchini or rice, but the eggplant version, "melitznes moussak" is by far the most popular.
Spaghetti squash plants may cross-pollinate with zucchini plants.
The prepared pieces of the zucchini or cucumber are stuffed with the fillings and placed on a pot.
Influenced by those dishes, nowadays some people add zucchini to the mixture, but this is a vegetable that is not present in the original dish.
Resources are formed from a variety of products that are from harvest fields that grow wheat, bean, fruits, potatoes, zucchini and sugar cane.
Many vegetables are botanical fruits, including tomato, bell pepper, eggplant, okra, squash, pumpkin, green bean, cucumber and zucchini.

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