Natalie im PONS Wörterbuch

Übersetzungen für Natalie im Englisch»Serbisch-Wörterbuch

Natalie Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It has distinctive, irregular, jagged, star-like blotches which extend to the hooves.
There are some lovely little moments like the star daughter in a super short skin-tight outfit struggling to touch her producer's feet without splitting a seam.
The center star was slightly larger than the other stars.
Mature was always a self-effacing star who had no delusions about his own work.
You know, it's the one where the hoofer from the fifth line of the chorus takes over for the indisposed leading lady and, overnight, she's a star.
This lack of synchronization and the high ellipticity of their orbit may indicate that this is a young star system.
Radiation pressure from the star will push the dust particles away into interstellar space over a relatively short timescale.
Known as the athlete of her family, she was a tennis star, speed skater and bike racer as a young girl.
Each new edition has outsold the previous one because of revisions, updated material, star charts in particular, and new information on telescope and binocular technology.
All pets have a star sign stat, which determines the attacks they have access to.

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